In our crazy life I know I need to make an effort to write down what our children are up to at the moment not only because they change so quickly but also because I want to be able to look back on these blogs as a sort of memory scrapbook on all the things they were doing and accomplishing since time just seems to fly by so quickly. Every parent knows how fast their kids change and I don't want to miss out on the "pm's" (precious moments) is what we call the kids when they are being extra sweet and cute. So here is a little paragraph on each of our munchkins:
Emme-number one as I sometimes call her (only because she was born first)
Ah our Em bug, or buglet. I just want to start by saying I can not believe we have a 3 & 1/2 year old who will be 4 in September. That seems so crazy to me that she is already that old. She seems like she's 13 half the time with the things she comes up with and her facial expressions. I thought eye rolling started at teenage years or at least like 8, not 3. She really comes up with the silliest things and has us laughing on an hourly basis. Not only does she have us laughing, she frequently cracks herself up and finds her own jokes to be the funniest. I think she takes after Brian on this. She really is a caring little girl who loves being a big sister to Stella and especially "Maddy Mo" aka Madden. She loves making him laugh and smile, helping keep him occupied, and feeding, bathing, etc. He just lights up when she is talking to him and she's always so gentle with him. She also loves her play partner Stella and really loves being her boss half the time which Stella doesn't always seem to mind. I don't know what they'd do without each other honestly. The really play well together and are more into making up games to play together, coloring, and their new favorite- lining up their dolls, stuffed animals who they refer to as their friends, and bedding on the floor against the wall. Emme loves going to preschool and she doesn't cry anymore which is great because that went on for months when I would drop her off. She would only cry for a minute until I left but I always felt bad. Now she loves going, feels comfortable there and really looks forward to it. She mainly plays with her friends Lilah, AJ, and David. Her teacher Ms. Kendra says she has made amazing progress since she started, she is always the first to help the other kids, she chooses her own work to do, knows all the color grading scales, and loves to read books. She wants to read so bad so they have been working on all the sounds so she can put the together to be able to read. We also do a letter of the day at home every day so she can really work on that. The goal is to have her reading by this next school year which really amazes me. Her teacher said they like to have all the four year olds reading so I will be looking forward to that. Emme loves reminding us every day that we are her best friends along with her Grandma, Auntie Mo Mo, and Madden and Stella. She often asks Stella if they are sisters and best friends which cracks me up. She also loves to help pick up which im taking full advantage of while it lasts because i know that is a fleeting moment. She loves wearing dresses and tutus on a daily basis and her new nightgowns are all the rage in our house these days. Our little 3 year old is a funny, caring, bright, amazing little girl who we are so lucky to have.
Stella aka Stell Bell-
Where do I start with Stella...our 2 year old is definitely in the twos, terrible twos at times. We love her to pieces but whew, she can wear you out at times. Stella has definitely developed a little attitude recently and she will let you know it. Most of the time she is our little ray of sunshine however. She loves playing with Emme and always wants to include her. She is very loving to her brother and loves to kiss and hug him. If you ask her to get something for him, she is right on it. She really loves being a bis sister just like Emme. Stella loves to dance and be silly. Poop is the funniest thing to my children right now which I always thought was a boy thing, turns out, it's not. They love saying everything is poop and then laughing. They will be pretending to make tea in their kitchen for us and then they will say "here is your poop tea" and then crack up. That is one phase I will not be sad to see go I must say. Stell loves to color and play with her doll. She is also very into her dresses and tutus and of course anything that Emme does, she must do too. She lives playing with Mommy's "puter" aka my iPad. We are working on cleaning up with Stell because she loves to make a mess and then leave it to Emme to pick up. I definitely wish she had the picking up gene that Emme has. We have almost mastered potty training. She does really well for the most part. She only wears a pull up to bed and usually wakes up with it still dry in the morning so I think she's really doing well for her age. Stella really is a sweet little girl and I think once we get past the two stage, she will be even better :) She for sure is a Daddy's girl at the moment whereas Emme is a Mommy's girl. At first I was taking that to heart because she used to be more attached to me but I have come to terms with it because they all go through stages and I needed to accept that. I think since Madden came along she realizes that Mommy can't always do everything so she gravitated towards Brian and that honestly is one of the hardest thing about having 3 kids. You can only do so much and have to accept that. Overall, she is a very smart, sweet little girl. And then there is...
Madden aka Maddy Mo-
My 18 lb handsome little man. Yes, 18 lbs. He had his four month check up a few weeks back and weighed in at 18 lbs and 26 inches long, he is now 5 months tomorrow. No surprise on the length of course. He is a solid little guy. Stella weighed 18 lbs 6 oz at his age and Emme was almost 16 lbs. It's hard to know if he will be like Emme or Stella because they are both totally different body types. Emme was very chubby as a baby and then tapered off to become a little wisp. She weighs 32 lbs right now and Stella is 31 lbs so they are only one lb apart. My guess is that he will be more like Stella. He will for sure have blue or green eyes, blue right now but I know that can change. Stella has always had blue but lately they have green to them so we will see for her too. Madden is the happiest baby all the time. He always has a huge smile for us and is such a laid back little guy. He loves to talk and babble all the time. He gurgles a lot lately and is always laughing which just melts my heart. We are so lucky to have such a good baby. Luckily he has learned to like his car seat now, at first he would flip out after being in it awhile but now he doesn't seem to mind. He has developed a schedule for napping and how he falls asleep which is great because he went through a stage for awhile that was hard because he would only let me rock him to sleep which I would have to be standing up doing it, that was not so much fun. He goes to bed so well now and puts himself to sleep and sleeps through the night which makes Mommy happy. He's for sure teething because everything goes in his mouth and he is drooling non stop. No teeth poking through as of yet. He eats 7 oz every 3 hrs roughly so about 4 to 5 times a day. He loves to roll non stop, if I put him on his back, he's on his stomach in a matter of seconds. I wonder if he will try to crawl early to keep up with the girls. He is really trying to move lately and push forward with his feet so he makes a good effort. He really loves being silly and coyly smiling at me when we are playing and right before he falls asleep. It amazes me how a four or five month old knows what is funny and how to be funny. He loves his swing, that is how he falls asleep often and he loves his vibrating chair too. He likes to be in his command center, the exersaucer, and the bumbo too. He loves loves loves his binkie and a soft blankie by his face when he's tired. I'm sure you can tell I'm in love with my boy!
Coco Palm For Sale
9 months ago
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