Friday, August 21, 2009

Sleep Regression

Sleep regression...I had no idea this existed until my great little sleeper started this trend about a week ago now. Now my great little sleeper, is not such a great little sleeper. What happened???? I went from having my buggy sleep all through the night with no problems, to every time I put her down in her crib having her scream bloody murder and either A) not go back to sleep or B) cry for a bit, go to sleep, then wake up whenever and start screaming again multiple times. When it first started about a week ago, she was awake from 12 until 4 a.m. The next night, she would stay asleep after being put down for about an hour and then wake up screaming off and on through the night. I really have been trying to stick to my guns and let her cry alittle off and on in her crib and hopefully fall back to sleep on her own. While I'm not a believer in the cry it out method for an hour, I have been letting her cry off and on for about 10-15 minutes which she then seems to settle down and finally sleep.

This really breaks my heart because hearing her cry and say "mama, mama, mama" while jumping up and down in her crib is the toughest thing. I feel so bad for her because I know she just wants to be by me but I also don't want to give her the message that anytime she cries, she can just come hang out with me in the middle of the night. I also don't wanna put her in our bed with us all night since kids are smart and catch on real quick which would be a horrible habit to start seeing as we have another baby on the way. That to me would be a very hard habit to break and a total pain in the neck later. So I am stuck debating every night when to let her cry a bit and when to get her.

Last night she got so upset after about ten minutes, I went in to find she had thrown up all over herself, her crib, her blankets, yikes, what a diaster! I felt so bad for her and basically felt like the worst mom. She was so happy to see me when I finally went in and realized what happened, that made me feel even more horrible. Luckily, after I cleaned everything up, including her, and rocked her back to sleep, she went in her crib no problem and stayed sleeping all night. She has been only giving me a hard time going down the past few days but will not wake up in the middle of the night like at first, so maybe that is progress? I have no idea how long this will last, everything I have read says a few days, or a few weeks so I'm hoping that it won't be too much longer. Who knew that sleep can be such an issue out of no where? Being a parent is a tough thing to figure out sometimes. But seriously, how can you not love this little face?

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